Summary AMA 13 February 2023
General Update
Team :
7 full time employees: Arthur (General Manager), Mel on the creators side, Axel on communication & social networks, Adé in support and moderation, Seb CTO, Arthur Ops We also work with service providers and freelancers: Matthieu on Product, Romain on monetization/acquisition, Ambroise who handles Data, Roman on the fundraising side
Business: over the last 4 months, between x1.5 and x2, growth resumed
Reorganization: we divided our expenses by 4, to focus on critical activities, before being able to raise funds again
Fundraising: we are actively working on it
2 major axes :
We are also working on a strategy to find new investors
The objective is to be up and running within 6 months
We have a net cash position that will last for 6 months, and we are going to recover a Research Tax Credit, which will allow us to have between 6 and 8 additional months
Collections: we continue to make collections; the latest one is with Clara Morgane who launched her digital calendar on Pokmi. The communication plan will be spread over several months, Clara will also communicate on her side
We would like to do a collection per quarter, we have several potential designers for this collection